The National Shrine of St. Frances Xavier Cabrini undertook a backpack initiative to benefit underprivileged children in the city of Chicago who are preparing for school. Recently, volunteers who attended mass at the shrine joined with Sister Laura Baldini to assemble the backpacks to be distributed before school started. Over 120 backpacks were filled with…
Read MoreRequiem mass on the 40th day
As 40 days passed since Sr. Patricia Spillane’s death, on October 5h, a Mass in her memory was held in the Philippines. This testimony came to us from Karen Marie M. Villaluz, President/CEO of Save Our School Children Foundation, Inc. The mass on October 5th was presided by Fr. Benedict Castaneda, currently the SOSCFI Treasurer. We…
Read More98th World Mission Day
October 20 will mark the 98th World Mission Day entitled “Go and Invite Everyone to the Banquet.” This day is part of the final phase of the synodal journey that follows the motto “ Communion, Participation, Mission.” Pope Francis reminds us that mission is a tireless going out to all of humanity to invite them…
Read MoreNew tapestries in St. Francis Xavier Church in Manhattan, N.Y.
On September 15th Sr. Diane Olmstead and Sr. Pietrina Raccuglia attended a dedication ceremony for two new tapestries installed in the entrance to St. Francis Xavier Church in Manhattan, N.Y.. The Tapestries are entitled – “Into Light and Truth: Holy People of the Americas“. Within the Tapestry is included St. Frances X. Cabrini. The artist…
Read MoreAn important visit in Nicaragua
In these two videos made by the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Nicaragua we recount the September 18 visit of Superior General Sister Maria Eliane Azevedo da Silva and the Assistant General to Escuela Sagrada Familia No. 1 and La inmaculada Technical Institute in Managua, Nicaragua.Happy viewing! INSTITUTO TECNICO LA INMACULADA…
Read MoreA prayer for peace in Novosibirsk, Russia
Last October 6 in Novosibirsk, Russia, Sr. Tatiana participated in a prayer for peace in the diocese where she is currently on mission.This time of prayer was held in response to Pope Francis’ invitation to dedicate a day of prayer and fasting for world peace. The parish community chose to gather for this moment on…
Read MoreMother Cabrini Patroness of Immigrants – 74 years after..
Here is Pope Pius XII’s speech on the occasion of the proclamation of St. Frances Cabrini as the heavenly Patroness of Emigrants. Why is Mother Cabrini called “The Patroness of Immigrants”? Despite having a missionary charism, Mother Cabrini was sent by Pope Leo XIII to the millions of Italian immigrants who, at the end of…
Read MoreMother Cabrini’s film is also being talked about in Switzerland
This is the article in the Culture section of the Swiss magazine “Tidningen Dagen” about the film Cabrini. Here is the translation of the text of the article in our languages. Enjoy reading it! Italian nun’s life journey now becomes a film Francesca Xavier Cabrini was born in northern Italy and dreamed of becoming a…
Read MoreCelebrating Mother Cabrini’s Birthday
Mother Cabrini Shrine in Colorado – This July: Celebrating Mother Cabrini’s Birthday Did you know? Mother Cabrini was born on July 15, 1850, in Sant’ Angelo, Italy. On that day, doves circled the family home, a sign that someone of significance was born. The town of Sant’ Angelo celebrates Mother’s birthday each year with a…
Read MoreIl 22 agosto da Il Cittadino
Il Meeting di Rimini ricorda la figura di Santa Cabrini I lodigiani che la prossima settimana saranno in vacanza a Rimini possono segnarsi sull’agenda la data del 22 agosto. Sarà il giorno in cui il Meeting di Rimini ricorderà la figura di Francesca Cabrini con la proiezione del film dedicatole da Alejandro Gómez Monteverde, intitolato…
Read MoreWelcome, Pilgrims!
What joy! On Saturday, May 25 the National Eucharistic Pilgrimage will make its first stop in Manhattan at St. Frances Cabrini Shrine. It is expected to arrive here at about 1:30pm and to depart at 3:00pm en route to Central Park and points beyond. Please join us in greeting them… and walk with them as a witness…
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