Celebrata la festa in onore di santa Francesca Cabrini – 24 Settembre 2023

Celebrata la festa in onore di santa Francesca Cabrini – 24 Settembre 2023

PALMA DI MONTECHIARO Come ha invocato l’arcivescovo di Catania Luigi Renna sul caso migranti «non giriamo la testa d’altra parte». Una invocazione questa che per diversi anni è stata rispettata da una associazione di missionari laici che venerano santa Francesca Cabrini. La donna cioè che, in missione nelle Americhe, con il suo amore per le…

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Una sfilata di moda missionaria

Una sfilata di moda missionaria

Creatività, bellezza e solidarietà protagoniste dell’evento organizzato sulla spiaggia del litorale laziale. Il 23 settembre al Centro estivo don Bosco. di Redazione Una sfilata di moda “missionaria”, il dialogo con la scrittrice Linda Pocher, degustazioni etniche e artigianato solidale. E’ stato un pomeriggio indimenticabile quello organizzato sabato 23 settembre a Ladispoli (Roma) dall’associazione Terra e…

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August 17th General José de San Martín Day

August 17th General José de San Martín Day

Every August 17th in Argentina, General José de San Martín is commemorated. He was an important man in the independence struggles of South America. One of his greatest feats was to organize an army and cross the Andes, one of the largest mountain ranges in the world, with them, thus securing the independence of Argentina,…

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Morocco Earthquake

Morocco Earthquake

Morocco is facing an unprecedented humanitarian catastrophe as an earthquake recently struck the country, leaving almost 3,000 people dead and more than 5,000 injured. In response to this dramatic situation, the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart of Jesus have mobilized with prayers and a small concrete gesture of solidarity to offer assistance and the necessary…

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The great days of expectations

The great days of expectations

It seems like only yesterday that we ended the school year and we are already facing a new year full of challenges. In early September our sisters, teachers and non-teaching staff worked hard to get the school ready to welcome those little ones who arrive with their backpacks loaded not only with new books and…

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On August 24 – Buenos Aires Patron Day

On August 24 – Buenos Aires Patron Day

On August 24, the Santa Rosa School in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires celebrated its patron saint. Students, families, alumni, teachers and non-teaching staff enjoyed a joyful Mass which strengthened their faith. The school told us: “On this special morning, we were able to celebrate the virtues that Mother Cabrini wants us to imitate…

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Grumello Ex convento Compleanno speciale

Grumello Ex convento Compleanno speciale

GRUMELLO Festa speciale per un anniversario speciale: i 140 anni di fondazione del convento delle missionarie del Sacro Cuore da parte di santa Francesca Saverio Cabrini, che a Grumello hanno lasciato un segno incancellabile. I grumellesi hanno onorato alla grande l’evento con una mostra allestita nella chiesa di San Defendente dal titolo ‘Santa Francesca Cabrini:…

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On July 12 and 13 – Visit to Rosario Mission

On July 12 and 13 – Visit to Rosario Mission

On July 12 and 13, the Provincial Superior of the Sta. Francesca Cabrini Province, Sister Rosa de Lima, the Assistant General, Sister Stella Maris and Sister Maria del Carmen, visited the mission in Rosario, Argentina. Sr. Gabriela welcomed them warmly and told them about the state of the ministry in that city. The children were very…

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A pilgrimage to Codogno and Sant’Angelo

A pilgrimage to Codogno and Sant’Angelo

A group of 11 pilgrims from Australia, and three from USA, are on a pilgrimage to Codogno and Sant’Angelo to trace the footsteps of Mother.Cabrini Lead by Mark Davis from the UK and Sr. Therese Merandi MSCThe pilgrims are learning about St. Frances Cabrini’s early faith, vocation and zeal to be a missionary in the…

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A Breath of Fresh Air

A Breath of Fresh Air

Together with Mother Cabrini to turn the world upside down The resumption of activities for the mission in Palma di Montechiaro by Antonietta Scopelliti CLM, Chairwoman of the Santa Francesca Cabrini Association, was like a “breath of fresh air”. Because of her great responsibility, she did not give up. Instead, she faced all the challenges…

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