We begin this month of March celebrating Ash Wednesday.
Wednesday. On that day, the classes were taught a presentation about what Lent is about what Lent is and how we are going to prepare for these 40 days.
these 40 days. The priests went around the classrooms imposing the ashes and reflecting on ash and reflecting on what behaviors or attitudes we should change.
At the same time we have carried out a dynamic in class during this month in the morning prayer. In it through a path we marked a purpose for that day and reflected on how to put it into practice. Afterwards we checked if it had been fulfilled.
The 5th and 6th grades had Eucharist with the priest who continued to emphasize how important Lent is for Christians and what sins we must get rid of in order to get closer to God.
The fourth graders also celebrated their first confession which was prepared through the catechesis that takes place in our school. It was a very special moment for them.
Finally we have made a milk collection campaign to collaborate with the Nazareth Association. This association works in San Blas and is one of those who every year is responsible for collecting and donating much of the food we provide in Operation Kilo.
In Secondary School, Ash Wednesday was also celebrated with the presence of the priests in the classes. After a reflection, the ashes were imposed. A campaign on forgiveness was also carried out with the participation of the priests, who encouraged the students to experience the grace of forgiveness during the coming weeks. The Secondary School also participated in the milk collection campaign, making a very significant and noteworthy contribution. The association was grateful for the interest shown by our childr