“The beloved month of June has appeared, in which all united in one heart, near or far, animated by the same faith and trust, we will honor the Sacred Heart of Jesus, procuring Him all the glory of loving hearts.”
St. Frances Xavier Cabrini
On Sunday, June 5, we resumed the feast of Corpus Christi in our school, after several years without being able to do so due to the pandemic. In addition, it coincided with the celebration of Pentecost Sunday, where we celebrated the Coming of the Holy Spirit.
The feast of Corpus Christi is the feast of the Body and Blood of Christ, of the presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist.
On this day we remember the institution of the Eucharist that took place on Holy Thursday during the Last Supper, when Jesus turned the bread and wine into his Body and Blood.
It is a very important feast because the Eucharist is the greatest gift that God has given us, moved by his desire to stay with us after the Ascension and therefore, we invite the students of 4th grade who made their 1st communion this May, to celebrate this day with a beautiful Eucharist.
In his homily, the parish priest, José Luis, emphasized the covenant that God makes “with all of us, with all men”. He explained to the children that Jesus, before dying on the Cross, gave himself to others and when he rose from the dead, he gave us his Holy Spirit to put all that we are at the service of others.
It was a real feast where the desire to receive Jesus again on the part of our students and the happiness of being witnesses of it on the part of the families, catechists and the school staff in general, were mixed with the Easter joy.
At the end of the Eucharist we celebrated together catechists, families and school staff sharing a snack as a sign of joy.
To conclude, we would like to share with you this message from Pope Francis that has touched us:
“Dear friends, we will never thank the Lord enough for the gift he has given us with the Eucharist! It is a gift so great that we cannot lose it!”