During the last week of the General Chapter, we were busy with the revision and approval of the Mandates and Recommendations for the areas of Vocation, Formation, Government, Constitutions and Statutes.
Once this phase of work was completed, on Monday, July 18, we proceeded to begin the discernment that would lead to the election of the General Superior.
On July 19, the Capitulars elected Sr. Maria Eliane Azevedo da Silva, and in the afternoon we had a beautiful Acceptance Ceremony. We are grateful to God for the work done by Sr. Barbara Staley and her Council during these last eight years.
Beginning another day of work on July 20, we asked God’s continued blessings on Sr. Maria Eliane. We reviewed the pending items from the previous days and Sr. Concepcion Vallecillo, MSC, presented a synthesis of our world and Institute reality that was prepared in team work with Nicole Rose Nieman. We also had an additional revision of the Theological Reflection.
The whole afternoon was dedicated to begin the discernment process of the Sisters who will become the General Council. We entrust ourselves to your prayers.