Today is an important date for our Institute. On December 22, 1917, Mother Cabrini returned home to God in Chicago. Today and especially this year, we wanted to share the prayer written on the occasion of the proclamation of the Jubilee Year for the 75th anniversary of Mother Cabrini’s canonization on November 13.

Mother Cabrini Jubilee Prayer

Celebrating the 75th Anniversary of Her Canonization

Blessed are you, God our Father.

You crown with glory the lives of those who serve you faithfully.

You inspire your Church with their example and prayers.

We offer you thanks and praise for the gift of Mother Cabrini and for the excellence of her missionary discipleship, an icon of your creative love.

Blessed are you, O Christ, Son of the Living God.

You ravished the heart of your bride Francesca Saverio Cabrini and enkindled in her the desire to embrace you in the immigrant, in the orphan and in the sick.

We are grateful for the beauty which you give to your Church in our dear saint, our mother and our friend.

Blessed are you, O Holy Spirit of Life.

Your wisdom shaped the mind and vision of this great woman of Italy and of the Americas.

Flood our souls with the same wisdom, so that, like Mother Cabrini, we may offer the living sacrifice of our lives in service to the least of our sisters and brothers.

Blessed are you, O Most Holy Trinity, One God.

Be praised during this Diamond Jubilee of the SaintHood of Mother Frances Xavier Cabrini.

May her presence be known by all who invoke her assistance.

And may you give heavenly peace to all peoples in these troubled times.

Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini, pray for us.

Richard N. Fragomeni, Ph.D., Rector

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