Celebrata la festa in onore di santa Francesca Cabrini – 24 Settembre 2023

Celebrata la festa in onore di santa Francesca Cabrini – 24 Settembre 2023

PALMA DI MONTECHIARO Come ha invocato l’arcivescovo di Catania Luigi Renna sul caso migranti «non giriamo la testa d’altra parte». Una invocazione questa che per diversi anni è stata rispettata da una associazione di missionari laici che venerano santa Francesca Cabrini. La donna cioè che, in missione nelle Americhe, con il suo amore per le…

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Una sfilata di moda missionaria

Una sfilata di moda missionaria

Creatività, bellezza e solidarietà protagoniste dell’evento organizzato sulla spiaggia del litorale laziale. Il 23 settembre al Centro estivo don Bosco. di Redazione Una sfilata di moda “missionaria”, il dialogo con la scrittrice Linda Pocher, degustazioni etniche e artigianato solidale. E’ stato un pomeriggio indimenticabile quello organizzato sabato 23 settembre a Ladispoli (Roma) dall’associazione Terra e…

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La tutela della Salute Globale: “Time to engage in global health”. Giovedì 21 settembre all’Università Statale di Milano.

La tutela della Salute Globale: “Time to engage in global health”. Giovedì 21 settembre all’Università Statale di Milano.

(AGENPARL) – ven 15 settembre 2023 L’Università Statale di Milano affronta il tema della salute globale in un convegno interdisciplinare: saranno presentati l’innovativo progetto in eSwatini per una modalità di screening meno invasiva per HPV e cancro della cervice uterina, il progetto didattico “Global Health Essentials” che raccoglie i contributi sul tema di 150 autori…

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August 17th General José de San Martín Day

August 17th General José de San Martín Day

Every August 17th in Argentina, General José de San Martín is commemorated. He was an important man in the independence struggles of South America. One of his greatest feats was to organize an army and cross the Andes, one of the largest mountain ranges in the world, with them, thus securing the independence of Argentina,…

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Morocco Earthquake

Morocco Earthquake

Morocco is facing an unprecedented humanitarian catastrophe as an earthquake recently struck the country, leaving almost 3,000 people dead and more than 5,000 injured. In response to this dramatic situation, the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart of Jesus have mobilized with prayers and a small concrete gesture of solidarity to offer assistance and the necessary…

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Ecumenical Prayer Vigil for the Synod

Ecumenical Prayer Vigil for the Synod

Pope Francis invites faithful of all Christian denominations to Rome for an Ecumenical Prayer Vigil for the Synod. In the aftermath of the Angelus on Sunday, Jan. 15, and on the eve of the celebration of the traditional Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, Pope Francis recalled how “the journey toward Christian unity and the…

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The great days of expectations

The great days of expectations

It seems like only yesterday that we ended the school year and we are already facing a new year full of challenges. In early September our sisters, teachers and non-teaching staff worked hard to get the school ready to welcome those little ones who arrive with their backpacks loaded not only with new books and…

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The Cabrinian Missionary Childhood of the Regina Coeli School

The Cabrinian Missionary Childhood of the Regina Coeli School

The Cabrinian Missionary Childhood of the Regina Coeli School is a movement that emerged more than 25 years ago, inspired by the words of Pope John Paul II when he called children “little great missionaries” and also by the movement of the Pontifical Missionary Work, IAM (Missionary Childhood).The IMC (Cabrinian Missionary Childhood) is made up…

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“Free to choose whether to migrate or to stay”

“Free to choose whether to migrate or to stay”

This year the Holy Father, Pope Francis, challenges us with the motto of the World Day of Migrants and Refugees “Free to choose whether to migrate or stay“, because in the streets, narrow and wide, of Guatemala City we see more and more migrant brothers and sisters from different continents, and especially Venezuelan brothers and…

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