Istituto Madre Cabrini of Milan won Nativity scenes contest!

Istituto Madre Cabrini of Milan won Nativity scenes contest!

The Christmas holidays have just ended but we want to share this reflection and news with you. Istituto Madre Cabrini of Milan participated in the nativity scene contest in the diocese of Milan and informed us that they won first prize. This is the photo of the award ceremony of the competition held by the…

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Pilgrims of the Month: Servants of the Lord

Pilgrims of the Month: Servants of the Lord

Missionaries on Pilgrimage to the Shrine If we’d seen them come in on their bicycles, the three religious who visited at around noon yesterday might have been our pilgrims of the month. But it was only as they departed, helmets strapped over their veils, that we realized how they’d arrived. The octave of  Christmas is…

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Happy birthday Sr. Maria!

Happy birthday Sr. Maria!

Happy birthday to Sr. Maria Barbagallo MSC, who turns 90. We deeply thank her for all that she has gifted to the Institute over the years and continues to do with great passion. Thank you for your missionary zeal, visionary spirit and big dreams, a living and vibrant new nourishment for the Cabrinian family in…

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Epiphany of the Lord 2023

Epiphany of the Lord 2023

For this Epiphany of the Lord we have chosen a thought of Mother Cabrini from the Letters.We hope that Epiphany will manifest the divine presence of Jesus in the hearts of each of us and in the Cabrinian family, bringing peace and harmony throughout the world.

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Scrappy, but happy days

Scrappy, but happy days

The First Difficult Months in New York Less than two weeks after Mother Cabrini landed in the U.S. she wrote to the Sisters in Italy asking them for fabric for habits and veils. They needed an extra set. She’d quickly learned that the Sisters had to always look neat and tidy, “… or they will…

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Assemblea HSR e missioni

Assemblea HSR e missioni

Dal 4 al 7 dicembre quaranta tra suore e laici si sono riuniti in Uganda per l’Assemblea della Regione Holy Spirit, facilitata da suor Thérèse Merandi. E’ stata una bella occasione di incontro in preparazione alla celebrazione dei 25 anni della missione in Etiopia, che ricorrerà il prossimo 24 gennaio. E’ stato emozionante ascoltare la…

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Le iniziative di preghiera per la pace

Le iniziative di preghiera per la pace

Il primo gennaio la liturgia eucaristica in Cattedrale presieduta dal vescovo Maurizio. Tra gli appuntamenti tradizionali per la Giornata della pace ci sarà il falò in piazza del Popolo a Casale. L’Azione cattolica diocesana propone una serie di appuntamenti in vista della Giornata mondiale della pace, in calendario il prossimo lunedì 1 gennaio. A Sant’Angelo…

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The beginning of the new mission in Sadama (St. Cabrini Community)

The beginning of the new mission in Sadama (St. Cabrini Community)

We opened the new community in Ethiopia in Hossana vicariate in Sadama St. Anna parish on 11-18-2023, and the bishop was so happy to have our congregation in Hossana vicariate; he informed our arrival to the Cardinal Berhane Yesus and the Nuncio, and he stated how happy they were.  The beginning of the new community…

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Preschool Literacy Program at Cabrini Immigrant Services at Dobbs Ferry

Preschool Literacy Program at Cabrini Immigrant Services at Dobbs Ferry

Cabrini Immigrant Services (CIS), Dobbs Ferry, has been offering a Preschool Literacy Program for toddlers and their parent/caregiver. It has been very rewarding watching the children achieve many of the goals of the program. Dr. Elizabeth Smith teaches the program. One of the stories that the children learned about was El Perro con Sombrero by…

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Palma di Montechiaro, i missionari laici in prima linea con anziani rumeni e migranti

Palma di Montechiaro, i missionari laici in prima linea con anziani rumeni e migranti

PALMA DI MONTECHIARO Come ogni anno, in prossimità delle feste natalizie, i missionari laici della associazione Santa Francesca Cabrini, la patrona universale dei migranti, presieduta da Antonietta Scopelliti, sono stati in prima linea con la loro generosità ed affetto nei confronti degli anziani della comunità rumena e degli extracomunitari che dimorano nella loro Casa di…

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Wishes for Christmas

Wishes for Christmas

From Holy Spirit Region From Guadalupe Province From Novitiate Community From Santa Francisca Cabrini Province Look at the video on our social media! From Mater Gratiae Province

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