“So, enter the interior sanctuary of your soul, see what virtues are lacking and promise to study assiduously how to practice
them in very difficult moments; then you will have a beautiful bouquet to present to Our Lady each day. She, however, will not
be outdone in generosity and you will see what graces she will bestow upon you for our dear Institute.” M.C Letter 202.

Dear Sisters and Lay Collaborators, CLMs, following the Holy Father’s invitation: “In this month of May, led by the shrines scattered throughout the world, we are reciting the Rosary to pray for the end of the pandemic,
and for the resumption of social activity and work.” (General Audience, May 5, 2021), we want
to invite you to share this moment of prayer and communion.
Mary, Our Mother, will intercede before God so that this painful moment of humanity may
come to an end, and, with her help, we may restore health, normality, and hope.
Let us be united in this common prayer and, as the Blessed Mother says, let us offer our
own sacrifices which, certainly, will not remain unrewarded.

On the occasion of the feast of St Mary Help of Christians we share with you a few shots of some of the sisters who have joined this month’s prayer marathon to end the pandemic. Some photos come from the Mother Cabrini Missionary Institute of the Sacred Heart in Codogno, Italy while others from Cabrini of Westchester, Dobbs Ferry, NY would like to present two photos:

  • The first is that of Sr. Alfonsina Gomes, MSC, who is praying the rosary in the Cabrini Chapel in front of the statue of Our Lady.
  • The second is that of Sr. Consolata Demma, MSC who is a resident of Cabrini of Westchester. She is praying the rosary from her room while watching the television play taking place in the Cabrini Chapel.

We also received photos of some nuns from the Institute in Via Anagni in Rome.

Sr. Alfonsina Gomes, St. Cabrini Nursing Home, Dobbs Ferry, NY
Sr. Consolata Demma, St. Cabrini Nursing Home, Dobbs Ferry, NY

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