~ by Sister Denise Alves Morra, MSC

Policies that Create an Enabling Environment
In the twentieth century the child leaves anonymity, going beyond the domestic and family domain and reaching the public domain. Worldwide, several Conferences and Declarations have taken place and several bodies have been formed (UN, UNESCO, UNICEF), with the objective of promoting public policies focused on the rights of children and adolescents. In Brazil, the 1988 Federal Constitution and the Child and Adolescent Statute ensures children and adolescents the absolute priority, the right to life, health, food, leisure, dignity, respect, freedom and family and community coexistence, among others.

A Context to our Work
In Northeastern Brazil, in a challenging context , the Cabrinian mission is inserted in a reality of internal migration, where families from the inner of the State migrate to the peripheries of large cities in search of better living conditions and in search of jobs to meet their basic survival needs.

In this scenario, the Santa Cabrini Youth Center contributes to the construction of Public Policies in the Municipality of Teresina (State of Piauí), participating in the Councils for the Rights of Children and Adolescents and working in networks and partnerships that include Civil and Government Society that work in family strengthening and community support. This work is undertaken with families in situations of human, social and economic poverty, with the objective being to prevent and or combat any type of violence and discrimination against children and adolescents.

Our Greatest Joy and Challenge
Our greatest joy is when we are able to support the personal and social development, where about 400 families served are empowered to change their own life stories. The daily challenge is to maintain the permanence of this service at a time when we have to motivate and generate hope at a personal and community level, not allowing the achievements of citizenship and rights to be violated by conservative and fundamentalist waves. Further, to point to Jesus Christ through our witness, showing him as a human and a divine man who can transform people’s history from his Merciful Heart.

Central to our Practices
Our good practices are woven through actions focused at the empowerment and education of the hearts of children, adolescents and their families. This is to work towards the protection of human life, the construction of social justice, and the care for our “common home”. We do this through active participation in the strengthening of Protection Networks and Rights Councils, and campaigns to combat sexual abuse and exploitation, child labor, human trafficking, among others.

However, it is very important to point out that in the current world and now in the context of a pandemic, facets of uncontrolled capitalism have been accentuated, these generate existential, social, economic and health crises and reinforce the insecurity of work, the lack of perspectives, the growth of migration, human trafficking and world poverty.

Signs of Hope in a Harsh Reality
At this time, children and adolescents are living in confinement, due to the closing of schools and mobility restrictions, which make them easy prey for their aggressors, often inside their own homes. We live on the outskirts of the city, a place of vulnerability and uncertainty. As Missionaries of the Sacred Heart of Jesus we have a challenging mission, to see this reality from the perspective of faith and to be a presence for many people who see in us the possibility of continuing the journey. There are countless challenges, and you can help us by fighting against child trafficking, child abuse and exploitation, by making a financial contribution, volunteering with us, and being militant in the cause of children and adolescents around the world.

Discover more on: http://www.cjsantacabrini.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/centrodajuventudesantacabrini
For further information and support please write to Sr Denise at denisemscmorra@hotmail.com

Sister Denise Alves Morra, MSC

Graduated in Economic Sciences from the Faculty of Economic Sciences Dom André Arco Verde, Valença-RJ, Graduated in Philosophy – SP, USC-University of Sagrado Coração-Bauru / SP, Graduated in Theology at Instituto Teológico São Paulo- ITESP / SP, Graduated in Social Work at Universidade Anhanguera –Teresina / PI and Postgraduate degree in Social Management at FAR-Teresina PI (Ademar Rosado College), Specialization in Theology and Ministries – McCormick Theological Seminary / Koinonia.

President of the Municipal Council for the Rights of Children and Adolescents of Teresina -PI Coordinator of the Network a Cry for Life in Teresina / PI (combating human trafficking) Northeast Region Pact Participant for Early Childhood.

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