Sister Patricia Spillane, Missionary Sister of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, loved the Institute very much. She witnessed joy, closeness to people, spontaneity, deep experience of God and life in mission. We Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus embrace her legacy with immense gratitude. Yesterday, September 9, at the St. Frances Cabrini Shrine…
Read MoreWe are an international congregation of women consecrated in the cabrinian religious life for the mission.
In loving memory of Sister Patricia Spillane, MSC
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The Stories of Life of the MSCs
We Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus continue the mission of Mother Cabrini in 15 countries around the world today.
“We wanted to correspond to that infinite love with which God has called us.” ~ S.F.S. Cabrini
We invite you to discover more about our life stories and mission.
The Cabrinian Mission today
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Mother Cabrini Patroness of Immigrants – 74 years after..
Here is Pope Pius XII’s speech on the occasion of the proclamation of St. Frances Cabrini as the heavenly Patroness of Emigrants. Why is Mother Cabrini called “The Patroness of Immigrants”? Despite having a missionary charism, Mother Cabrini was sent by Pope Leo XIII to the millions of Italian immigrants who, at the end of…
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