On 16 October, a second meeting was held for prospective CLMs in Africa. Five people were in person in Dubbo – Kidane, Birkinesh, Teresa, and Tilahun and his wife Maria; this was the first meeting that Maria (photo) was able to attend. Linder, from Cameroon, was also able to join the meeting via Zoom.
We started the meeting with a prayer. Pat Krasnausky, who could not be present with us this time, had sent us a prayer that witnessed to Mother Cabrini’s love of Jesus and her example of generous and loving service to those in need.
The sharing in this meeting was getting to know Mother Cabrini; her life, history, spirit, passion to serve God and God’s people wherever and whenever, etc. Drawing inspiration from the life and spirit of Mother Cabrini, is what attracts people to follow her example of love-in-action. Our prospective CLMs were impressed and eager to learn more about her and the Institute she founded, wishing to collaborate with the MSCs in also being bearers of the love
of Jesus in the world. (Report from Sr. Maureen)
Thanks to Holy Spirit Region newsletter for this article