We closed the first week of the General Chapter with prayer that invited us to wake from the darkness. From that moment on, we began to share our feelings, hopes and concerns about the works done in the Provinces and Region in small groups, and later in plenary.
We then participated together in a Eucharistic celebration in the English language.
After lunch, the laity were invited to dialogue with each other about the needs surrounding their formation, while the sisters met to dialogue on specific aspects of religious life.
All met again over coffee, and after that we shared some special personal stories from our missions in the world.
We highlighted sharing of life, and the witness of the laity in the experience of our Charism, expressed in the various missions: with homeless persons, migration at the border between Texas and Mexico, educational ministry, pastoral care, the losses caused by Covid-19, human promotion. In all this, we can perceive the merciful love and compassion shared through the Cabrinian Charism.