What is your role in HSR?
I am so honored to talk about my job, and the love I have for Cabrini Ministries Swaziland (Cabrini)! My
name is Sharon Singleton. I was born and have lived my whole life in Swaziland, and worked for many
years as a teacher.
How did you meet the MSCs?
In 2010, I met a sister named Sr. Mary Jane, with whom we had been collaborating in education,
including workshops. I became close to her and she informed me about Cabrini, particularly because of
my background as a child growing up in an orphanage. I had the love and dreams to work with such
children. Possibly, my longing was to correct or fix what I thought could be fixed; so that, in knowing
what happened to me growing up, I could make other children’s lives better. Later, Sr. Mary Jane and I
made a few visits to Cabrini. I put in my application, as at that time, Cabrini needed somebody in their
Childcare Department. So that is how I started working with the MSCs.
Since 2010, what I have experienced being close to this organization, is the devotion, dedication and the love they have
for the people. There is a community outreach program, and it is not only one part of a person’s need that is dealt with. Rather, they work with the person as a whole. Children are cared for academically, medically, socially and emotionally, helping and providing for them according to their needs. Through the experience of working with Sr. Barbara and Sr. Diane, I learned to work holistically, fully committed to God’s work, following
Mother Cabrini’s example with the MSCs in Swaziland. When I started at Cabrini, the Holy Spirit Region didn’t yet exist. Later, I got to meet MSCs from other parts of the Region, including Ethiopia, such as Sr. Addise and others. I found their dedication and commitment awesome.
What is your dreams for with the HSR?
My dream for the Holy Spirit Region is to never lose sight of the work that was begun by Mother Cabrini:
following in the footsteps of Jesus, whether across the whole world, the Region or places that she
touched. May we in the Holy Spirit Region never lose focus, but always continue to work with dedication
and love!
What do you hope for the future?
I wish we could grow in Early Childhood Development (ECD). I see in Ethiopia they are doing ECD, and
here in Swaziland, we also started an ECD program, which is where I work. I wish that it would grow
strong because that is the generation who are going forward. If we can nurture, love and teach them
from that young age, we are going far, because we will be building the nation, and putting family in
place. Because of the early teaching, children begin to learn a strong foundation.
Anything else what you would like to share with us?
I would like to encourage the Sisters and lay people in the Holy Spirit Region. Don’t lose the focus, keep
going! As we are working, we are living in hard times, times of Covid-19. But we Swazis went through
the AIDS crisis. Even now, in the time of Covid-19, we are working, persevering and showing love to the
people. We hope that Covid-19 will stop spreading and we can treat people as we did before! AMEN!
Thanks to Holy Spirit newsletter for this article