On Monday, June 27, 2022, the Opening Ritual of the XVI General Chapter of the MSCs took place.
At the beginning, Sr. Barbara Staley welcomed all the Sisters and Laity present, and officially declared the opening of the Chapter.
Then, Mark Davis, Facilitator of the Chapter, invited the table groups to share some information about each other: who we are, our mission, and what is our desire for this very particular moment of the Institute.
Father Mariano Sedano Sierra presided over our Eucharistic celebration. He is a Claretian priest, who in his homily drew attention to the importance of prophesying and allowing change within ourselves.
In the afternoon, the MSCs, voted on and approved the Chapter Regulations. Later, the laity returned to the Chapter Hall, and shared the meaning of a Chapter: to see and evaluate the past, to be thankful for the present and to plan for the future as the essence of the Institute’s mission in the Church.
At the end of the day, we were given a Spiritual Journal for personal prayer, that could be used throughout the Chapter. The first reflection, Freedom to Be, called us to be open and available to each other and the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.