Today is the World Day of Peace.
Here is the link to the message of His Holiness Pope Francis for the LV World Day of Peace – 1 January 2022 entitled “Dialogue between generations, education and work: tools for building lasting peace”.
An extract:
“In every age, peace is both a gift from above and the fruit of a shared commitment. There is, in fact, an ‘architecture’ of peace, in which the various institutions of society intervene, and there is a ‘craft’ of peace that involves each one of us personally. Everyone can collaborate in building a more peaceful world: starting from one’s own heart and from relationships within the family, society and the environment, to relations between peoples and between States.
Here I would like to propose three ways of building lasting peace. Firstly, dialogue between the generations, as the basis for the realisation of shared projects. Secondly, education, as a factor of freedom, responsibility and development. Finally, work for the full realisation of human dignity. These three elements are essential for “giving life to a social pact”,without which every project for peace proves inconsistent.
To government leaders and to all those charged with political and social responsibilities, to priests and pastoral workers, and to all men and women of good will, I make this appeal: let us walk together with courage and creativity on the path of intergenerational dialogue, education, and work. May more and more men and women strive daily, with quiet humility and courage, to be artisans of peace. And may they be ever inspired and accompanied by the blessings of the God of peace!”
From the Cabrini world – Mater Gratiae Province:
A moment of prayer for the day of peace
The Covid health emergency cancels the usual walk of meditation and reflection through the streets of the town, but Sant’ Angelo Lodigiano does not renounce the prayer meeting for peace, now in its 12th edition. On the occasion of the LV World Day of Peace, on the first of January, this year entitled “Dialogue between generations, education and work: tools to build lasting peace”, the Catholic Action of the vicariate of Sant’ Angelo promotes a moment of reflection and prayer, which for years has brought together the faithful on New Year’s Eve. The programme includes an initial meeting and thanksgiving at the Oratory of San Rocco, in the parish of Mary Mother of the Church, at 5pm on Saturday 1 January, while at 6pm Holy Mass will be celebrated in the Basilica of Saints Anthony Abbot and Francesca Cabrini in the city centre. Between the two churches there has always been a path of meditation and reflection – the traditional March for Peace – which cannot be carried out this year because of the health emergency. The celebrations will also be broadcast on the YouTube channels of the two parishes, in order to offer the possibility for those who cannot attend the two events in person – given the increase in positivity and quarantines – to follow and take part in the reflections on peace.