On the occasion of World Mission Day and in anticipation of 25 years of mission in Ethiopia, which will fall on Jan. 24, we have gathered a little from around the Institute on the most recent mission anniversaries.
We Missionaries of the Sacred Heart of Jesus celebrate mission every day with “Burning Hearts, Walking Feet.”
For Mater Gratiae Province:
30 years of mission in Russia – May 22, 1993
Sister Tatiana: “They always kept the spirit of the small mission in its simplicity.”
Chiara Vaghi, mission aid supporter and promoter: “Those who joined with this good purpose learned to understand that supporting missionaries makes missionaries!“

For the Province St. Francisca Cabrini:
2021 marked 50 years since the founding of Villa Amelia, Argentina:
“Francisca Cabrini your heritage unites us, your story invites us to enjoy life, to share Love, to unite today our song to give thanks to God. “

The 120th anniversary of Colegio Sagrado Corazon was celebrated in 2021:
“There was a lot of work at home: visiting the sick, teaching catechism, rebuilding the house, visiting prisoners, making the word of God heard, missionary work.“

May 24, 2022 marked the 120th anniversary of Colegio Boni Consilii while in 1903 the MSC mission in Brazil was born.
In 2021 125 years of the Colegio Santa Rosa
“The relevance of Mother Cabrini’s charism urges us to constantly open our hearts, raise our gaze and break down structures, in a process of shared responsibility, to reveal to all the loving face of God and to realize the Cabrinian ideal of “educating the mind and forming the heart” in the mission of accompanying children and young people in the process of building a life project for a world of greater solidarity.”

For Guadalupe Province:
Cabrini of Westchester’s (New York, USA) 50th Anniversary was celebrated on May 25, 2023.
Sister Damien Ciminera: “In mission, it is critical to operate God’s love, unconditional love.“

75 years of the first Australia mission started on Jan. 24, 1948
“Inspired by the mission and ethic of care of the Cabrini Sisters, and our values of courage, respect, compassion and integrity, Cabrini Health has been providing high quality, compassionate care to our community for 75 years.“

On November 20, 2019 we celebrated 50 years of mission in Guatemala while on August 13 last year 25 years of the Mother Cabrini Dispensary
“25 anni crescendo con bambine, bambini e adolescenti accompagnati…Grazie!“

For the Holy Spirit Region:
50 years of mission in Eswatini celebrated Nov. 12, 2022
Sr. Diane Dalle Molle: “I am forever grateful for my time in Swaziland as a missionary because it taught me so much about myself, other people and real, concrete, everyday love.“