At the end of August, Sr. Alemenesh MSC, accompanied the Vocation Group of Our Lady of Lourdes Parish, Dubbo, for an excursion to Hawassa, the Regional Capital of the Southern Nations, Nationalities & Peoples Regional State
(SNPPRS), to mark the end of the Ethiopian year. This past September 11, Ethiopia began the year 2014! �
The photo on the right shows Sr. Alemenesh at the memorial of the ancient people of Sidamo in the center of the city of Hawassa. They also visited the Cathedral, had lunch in the garden, listened to a presentation on Christian
Vocation by Sr. Alemenesh, met the Cathedral Parish Priest, and members of their Youth group. The photo on the left was taken at the Homba Chapel, an outstation of Dubbo Parish, where the Youth Group had gathered with Sr.
Alemenesh for their end of the year celebration with youth from Bancha and other Chapels.
Homba Chapel is where the MSCs and Aspirants from Dubbo go for catechesis and
pastoral visiting. Happy New Year! Melkam Addis Amet! �
Thanks to Holy Spirit newsletter for this article
From Brazil, Sao Paulo – Here some photos from Boni Consigli College Youth Meeting