On Sept. 2, 2023, the European Cabrinian formation meeting was held in Codogno at the multimedia room of the RSA and the Mother Cabrini Spirituality Center in Codogno, which was attended by more than 100 sisters and lay people from various missions of the Mater Gratiae Province: Italy, Spain, Russia. 98 lay people and 16 sisters attended the meeting; there were 114 in all.
The theme of the meeting: “Charismatic identity and sense of belonging in the service of mission.”
The meeting was organized by the Madrid Colegio group. Dr. Noelia Carrion introduced the speaker Lic. Óscar Alonso Peno, who knows the Cabrinian Family well and has already been involved in the formation of lay sisters in past years.
The participants listened to the reflection that was offered to them and then worked in groups.
During the break, the laity were able to attend the presentation: Virtual Tour of the Cabrinian Digital Museum.
This was the first meeting after the Covid pandemic. Some contributors are new and it was a good opportunity to get to know each other, share and strengthen the Cabrinian identity.
On Sunday the 3rd the Spanish laity and sisters stayed an extra day to visit the Cabrinian sites of Sant’Angelo, Livraga and Vilardo.
Thanks to Sr. Stella and Sr. Tatiana for this text