La tutela della Salute Globale: “Time to engage in global health”. Giovedì 21 settembre all’Università Statale di Milano.

La tutela della Salute Globale: “Time to engage in global health”. Giovedì 21 settembre all’Università Statale di Milano.

(AGENPARL) – ven 15 settembre 2023 L’Università Statale di Milano affronta il tema della salute globale in un convegno interdisciplinare: saranno presentati l’innovativo progetto in eSwatini per una modalità di screening meno invasiva per HPV e cancro della cervice uterina, il progetto didattico “Global Health Essentials” che raccoglie i contributi sul tema di 150 autori…

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The value of partnership on mission

The value of partnership on mission

  Two years ago, two research groups at the University of Milan led by Prof. Elisabetta Tanzi and Prof. Mario Raviglione began preparing for a collaborative research project with the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Cabrini Ministries eSwatini. The concept was to trial a non-invasive screening method to encourage women to…

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A Heritage Rooted in God’s love

A Heritage Rooted in God’s love

We began the year in great anticipation of our first meeting of the year, which was scheduled to be held in Italy, in person. As our membership spans Europe, the Americas and Asia Pacific, our virtual meetings are usually very early in the morning for some and very late at night for others. Cultural, professional…

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IHC – Being the hands and feet of Jesus

IHC – Being the hands and feet of Jesus

The pandemic has dominated our lives again for another year. Wearing face masks, frequent hand-washing, physical distancing and limiting social interaction have protected populations and health care systems. Although these restrictions have helped keep health workers safe, they have also made the role more complex. How do you communicate effectively from behind a face mask?…

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Health care during Covid-19

Health care during Covid-19

The pandemic has dominated our lives again for another year. Wearing face masks, frequent hand-washing, physical distancing and limiting social interaction have protected populations and health care systems. Although these restrictions have helped keep health workers safe, they have also made the role more complex. How do you communicate effectively from behind a face mask?…

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Healthy roots for healthy branches and leaves

Healthy roots for healthy branches and leaves

A friend has recently completed her PhD on the expression of charism in a lay-led Jesuit social services organisation.  She used the image of a tree, where the health of the roots directly affects the health of the branches and leaves, to illustrate how the understanding and expression of charism impacts the experience of the organisation,…

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Building a Fairer, Healthier World: A Cabrinian Perspective

Building a Fairer, Healthier World: A Cabrinian Perspective

Equity and Equality, Why Our Health Ministry is Important in the World Today It is an unacceptable fact that some people in our world are able to live healthier lives and have better access to health services than others due entirely to the conditions in which they are born, grow, live, work and age. In…

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An Update on the Cabrini International Health Commission

An Update on the Cabrini International Health Commission

The Cabrini International Health Commission (IHC) was established by Sr Barbara Staley in late 2017. Its purpose is to support Cabrini Health missions in Australia, Argentina, Eswatini, Ethiopia and Guatemala by establishing standards for mission governance, reviewing mission performance against these standards, and working with local leadership to identify opportunities for growth and improvement. Since its establishment the…

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“The essence of love”, my first visit in Guatemala

“The essence of love”, my first visit in Guatemala

It was my first visit to Guatemala, a reality I only knew thanks to some reading of history, economy and society of the Country I made while preparing for the task I was to undertake for the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Mother Cabrini’s Sisters. The rainbow of colors visible in every…

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