A year-long thank you!

A year-long thank you!

A year-long thank you! This short video collects some of the highlights of this 2022 that is coming to an end. Thanks to those who have been part of it and those who will be part of it, building and enriching step by step the present memory and future history of our Congregation! Long live…

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Cabrinian November and December Christmas

Cabrinian November and December Christmas

We began the month of November remembering our Saints, and through their cooperative efforts, the primary students have worked on different Saints. The technique of the broken template has allowed us to record everything we have learned about the values and virtues of men and women like us, who were chosen by God, and called…

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No one can be saved alone.Combatting Covid-19 together, embarking together on paths of peace “Now concerning the times and the seasons, brothers and sisters, you do not need to have anything written to you. For you yourselves know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night” (First Letter…

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On Mother Cabrini’s relics

On Mother Cabrini’s relics

On December 22, 1917, Mother Cabrini died. Today in celebrating this important anniversary, we want to make a tour among the most important relics of our Saint.But first, let us begin by discovering what lies behind the term “relic” from an historical point of view.When the memory of a saint is meant to be honored,…

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Meeting of six Group of Women on the Refugees Settlement, Uganda

Meeting of six Group of Women on the Refugees Settlement, Uganda

On December 9, 2022, a big celebration took place at the St. Maria Assunta Community, in Pagirinya Refugee Settlement, in northern Uganda. Since July, a committee had started to think about and plan the celebration, in order that everything would happen in the best way. Finally, on December 9, five groups of women from Pagirinya and one from…

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News from New York Novitiate

News from New York Novitiate

The Feast of the Immaculate Conception on December 8 was a great day for the Sacred Heart International Novitiate in New York, as Bezunesh Elias Tadiso, a young woman from Ethiopia, began her Novitiate in New York. We had the joy of celebrating her entrance into the MSC Novitiate together with Bezunesh. Sr Diane Olmstead, Provincial Superior of the…

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From Curia to….

From Curia to….

This week in the Curia we will have several departures: the Superior General Sister Maria Eliane, Sister Stella Maris, and Sister Patricia are in fact traveling these days to Brazil where the Assembly of the Santa Francisca Cabrini Province will be held from December 16 to 20. Today in particular Sister Maria Regina, former General…

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The statue of St. Frances Cabrini in St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome

The statue of St. Frances Cabrini in St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome

A large statue of St. Cabrini was placed in St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome on December 8, 1946, five months after her Canonization. It is located in the central nave. Here, marked by mighty pillars, are 39 niches with the figures of the Founding Saints of Religious Orders and Congregations. In one of these, twelve…

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Award: “Meritorious Woman of Lodi”

Award: “Meritorious Woman of Lodi”

Last November 25, International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, the Award: Meritorious Woman of Lodi was presented to Sr. Denise Alves Morra, MSC. Sr. Rachele, MSC, and Sr. Assunta, MSC, represented Sr. Denise, at the awarding ceremony. In attendance were Mrs., Arleni Peña Del Orbe, Consul of Santo Domingo and other dignitaries,…

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II Sunday of Advent

II Sunday of Advent

The Pope encourages us this Advent with the words “the light of Christ illuminates our paths and chases away the darkness in our hearts,” and invoking “the joy and peace of the Lord Jesus Christ”.    For this reason, the Holy Father suggested preparing for Christmas by dedicating “moments to prayer, meditating on the light of…

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From the Provinces for the Feast of Mother Cabrini

From the Provinces for the Feast of Mother Cabrini

November 13 and 14 were two days of great celebration for our Institute. Many in fact were the celebrations and festivities in all provinces 84 years after Mother Cabrini’s Beatification and on the occasion of the 142nd anniversary of the Institute’s founding. At the National Shrine of Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini in Chicago there was…

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