A Bullet on a Train

A Bullet on a Train

“Didn’t I write and tell you that I am alive miraculously?” begins a 1904 letter from Mother Cabrini. She’d been traveling by train from the orphanage in Denver to the orphanage in New Orleans. Just after passing Dallas “the enemies of the railroad” attacked. Bullets peppered the train. Mother Cabrini reported that one bullet “aimed…

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Christopher Lo Bianco Letter for the Feast of the Sacred Heart

Christopher Lo Bianco Letter for the Feast of the Sacred Heart

Dear friends, We hope this message finds you well and filled with the blessings of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. As faithful members of the Catholic community, we are writing you today to share the significance of the Feast of the Sacred Heart, and the incredible work being done by the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus through their programs and institutions. The Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, celebrated annually on the 19th day after Pentecost, holds a special place in our Catholic faith. It is a solemn…

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In preparation for the Feast of the Assumption

In preparation for the Feast of the Assumption

“God’s grace is never lacking. He always bestows sufficient grace for us to reach that holiness which he desires for us.” ~ St. Frances Xavier Cabrini, The Spiritual Wisdom of St. Frances Cabrini for difficult times SPA- Entre una y otra ola ITA – Tra un’onda e l’altra POR – Entre uma onda e outra

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Santa Cabrini scese nell’abisso per i migranti

Santa Cabrini scese nell’abisso per i migranti

Capo di questa congregazione è la Madre Francesca Cabrini, donna con grandi occhi e un sorriso attraente. Non sa l’inglese, ma è donna di proposito.Francesca e le sue suore erano sbarcate a New York appena tre mesi prima, viaggiando con altri 1.500 migranti in terza classe. Al loro arrivo non c’era nessuno ad attenderle e dovettero arrangiarsi alla…

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Waiting in Paris

Waiting in Paris

“I have missed the train on account of the Holy Father,” Mother Cabrini wrote wryly to the Sisters in 1898. She’d wanted Leo XIII to bless her latest initiative: establishing a house in Paris. However, the pope was ill and sent his greetings via the Nuncio, instead. Then, just as Mother Cabrini was set to…

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Press review of July 15 celebrations

Press review of July 15 celebrations

SANT’ANGELO Today the procession to remember the patron saint Santa Cabrini In Sant’Angelo, the Cabrini July is entering its highlights. After a week of celebrations, meetings and moments of reflection, today and tomorrow the community is ready to take part in the events that have always drawn the largest number of people to the city…

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Mother Cabrini’s Birthday Celebration!

Mother Cabrini’s Birthday Celebration!

Happy 173rd Birthday, Mother Cabrini! July 15, 1850 – 2023 Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini is best known for her extraordinary apostolic activity in the United States and South America in the service of Italian emigrants to whom she was sent by Pope Leo XIII. Her apostolic mysticism matured in the light of two great sources: the spirituality of the Sacred Heart…

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