A special visit in Uganda

A special visit in Uganda

“I was a stranger, and they welcomed me into their home” (Mt 25:36c). On November 9-11, our community received a visit from the Apostolic Nuncio for Uganda, Bishop Luigi Bianco and Cardinal Fabio Baggio with his secretary Fr. Dumisani Vilakati. The purpose of the visit to the Diocese of Arua was to get to know…

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Assemblea HSR e missioni

Assemblea HSR e missioni

Dal 4 al 7 dicembre quaranta tra suore e laici si sono riuniti in Uganda per l’Assemblea della Regione Holy Spirit, facilitata da suor Thérèse Merandi. E’ stata una bella occasione di incontro in preparazione alla celebrazione dei 25 anni della missione in Etiopia, che ricorrerà il prossimo 24 gennaio. E’ stato emozionante ascoltare la…

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Sr. Tigist Hailemariam in Uganda

Sr. Tigist Hailemariam in Uganda

Since the beginning of February, when I arrived in Uganda, it has been VERY hot. I have never experienced weather as hot as in our mission in northern Uganda. Let me share with you something of my experience over this short time. While working with the refugees in Uganda, they surprised me and are very…

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1st April – Uganda and United States

1st April – Uganda and United States

A new program for refugee women is being developed in the Pagirinya Settlement. Several projects started with training in 2022 are gaining strength and better structure this year, thanks to the financial support received. The eight women’s groups will begin a new phase of production and sales starting in early April. The goal is to…

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Meeting of six Group of Women on the Refugees Settlement, Uganda

Meeting of six Group of Women on the Refugees Settlement, Uganda

On December 9, 2022, a big celebration took place at the St. Maria Assunta Community, in Pagirinya Refugee Settlement, in northern Uganda. Since July, a committee had started to think about and plan the celebration, in order that everything would happen in the best way. Finally, on December 9, five groups of women from Pagirinya and one from…

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Feast of St. Cabrini in Dzaipi, Uganda

Feast of St. Cabrini in Dzaipi, Uganda

St. Cabrini’s Feast in Dzaipi was wonderful! A group of 11 girls trained a music and dance about our Foundress and they performed beautifully, as you can check on the video. The Parish was full of people who enjoyed and clapped hands at the end of the performance. Thank God for this Woman who passed…

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PAGIRINYA FROM MAY 2nd TO SEPTEMBER 30th. Sewing Course Group – This group started on May 2nd 2022 with 25 women, four from each Pagirinya’s Community. It was a partnership with JRS Adjumani, that lent 25 sewing machine, all the material and support for the trainees. The course was developed in five months and the…

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Building the Future with Migrants and Refugees in Uganda Mission

Building the Future with Migrants and Refugees in Uganda Mission

Comungamos com as aspirações do Papa Francisco ao celebrar o 108º dia Mundial do Migrante e Refugiado no próximo dia 25 de setembro. Aqui na Uganda concretamente estamos assumindo a missão de torná-los importantes, de sentir-se incluídos na comunidade. Nossa presença todos os dias nos assentamentos da Pagirinya, Nymanzin, no contato com os Refugiados, crianças,…

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Celebration of the Feast of the Holy Cross at the Adiariana Shrine in Uganda

Celebration of the Feast of the Holy Cross at the Adiariana Shrine in Uganda

Preparations for the feast began six months ago when the organizing team went to work in all parishes to raise 26,000,000 for the expenses of the feast. Yesterday, September 14, our sisters’ community in Uganda participated in a wonderful celebration of the Feast of the Holy Cross. Indeed, the ceremony in the Shrine of the…

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June 3rd- Ugandan martyrs

June 3rd- Ugandan martyrs

We celebrated the feast of the Ugandan martyrs today. St. Kisito was the youngest and was 13 y/o when he was killed in the late 1800’s. He was killed with 21 other boys and young men along with their catechist, St. Charles Lwanga. The parish of St. Kisito is in the Pagrinya Settlement and it…

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